American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 6.24.18

Morning Worship   

   Scripture:  I Peter 2; (N.T. Page 1888)                                                                            

   Message:  “Summer Book Club:  Healthy Eating”  Rev. Troy Nanninga  



Feel free to grab a cup of coffee from the Fellowship Hall/Kitchen serving ledge downstairs before the service!  You are also invited to stay for a time of fellowship and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after the service!


THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund and the second offering will be for our Missions & Benevolences Fund.




1:00 – 3:00 P.M.  GOD’S UNIQUE ANTIQUES will meet in the Fireside Room.  If you are retired and have some extra time on your hands, please join us.  We usually play a game and have refreshments.


9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund and the second offering will be for DeMotte Christian Schools, Inc.

  INDEPENDENCE WEEKEND WORSHIP SERVICE!  You are warmly invited to join the other Reformed and Christian Reformed churches on Sunday, July 1 at 6:00 P.M. at Community CRC in Roselawn for a time of worship, thanksgiving, and prayer for our nation. Pastor John VanSchepen, former pastor of Community Church, will be preaching that evening.



 Please continue to remember in prayer…

♦ Sharon Bovenkerk      ♦ Donna Zandstra

♦  Jeff Mehan has been transferred to Vibra Hospital in Crown Point.

♦  Don Moolenaar had hip replacement surgery at Weiss

    Hospital in Chicago this past Thursday.

♦  Jean Peterson fell last week and fractured and dislocated her

    ankle.  She had surgery at Porter Regional this past Friday.

CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. & Mrs. Ryan & Taylor (Brodner) Stayback who were married yesterday, June 23.  May God bless them as they seek to serve Christ together.

PASTOR TROY will be on vacation this week and return to the office on July 2.  Pastor Rob will be on the Impact Work Trip this week.  Please contact an Elder with pastoral concerns.

PASTOR JIM ALBLAS will provide our message next Sunday morning.  Pastor Jim is the Pastor of Congregational Life at First Christian Reformed Church of DeMotte.

WE WANT TO THANK YOU for your attendance and participation at our congregational meeting  two weeks ago.  Thank you for the questions that were asked and the feedback that was received.  The consistory had determined to look for a 2/3 majority for the position to be approved.  The votes reached this mark so the addition of a worship leader to the staff was approved.  The consistory will work to hire someone in this role and will communicate again once a candidate is hired.  

WE HAVE EXTRA CHURCH PEWS being stored here at church that are no longer needed.  If you would like to take one or more of them, please contact Mike Veld at 765-490-1644 or catch him after church. 

FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE:  The next Fellowship Committee meeting will be on July 9.

                                                                                                                                                            The ARC Get- together program is up and running!  Some have already had opportunity to get together for some fellowship and fun!  If you haven’t been involved yet, your turn is coming!  When an invitation shows up in your box and you are able to make it, join the fun!  If not, catch the next one.  Please remember to let the hosts know so they can plan accordingly.  Additional or repeat hosts are always appreciated.  Call or text Kristi (219-964-9957 or 987-5195) or Donna (987-4289 or 219-730-9824) to volunteer.  What a blessing to have a church family.  Let’s be intentional about spending time building relationships and strengthening ties.

 ADVANCE NOTICE:  Family pictures for the new church directory will be taken on August 6, 7, and 8.     Further details to come.

DO YOU HAVE INFORMATION about your group, meeting, or committee you would like help publicizing?  We would be glad to get the word out any way you wish. Please email any information or pictures to the Media Committee at

IF YOU KNOW of someone who needs help from Christians Helping  Christians, please contact Bonnie Sanow (987-6252).





A basketball day camp is being offered by DMC basketball coach Dan Weaver and other DMCS coaches. 

June 25-28                 Girls entering 7th-9th grades

July 9-12                    Boys & Girls entering 4th-6th grades

For more information, email Dan Weaver at 

SELAH, Dove Award Winning Recording Group, will be live in concert at Bethel Christian Reformed Church of Lansing, IL on Friday, September 14 at 7:00 P.M.  This concert, hosted by the Illiana Division of Bible League Volunteers will be an uplifting musical experience, bringing everyone into a spirit of worship.  Tickets are available at: or call:  866-825-4636 during normal business hours.  Tickets are $20 each with limited availability.  So, don’t delay!  A love offering will be received for ministry in Latin America through Bible League International Volunteers.  Bethel Christian Reformed Church (3500 Glenwood Lansing Road, Lansing, IL 60438)


     USHER:          Jeff Fase

     GREETERS:   Jason & Pam Abbring Family

     WING:             Phil & Gloria Moolenaar

     NURSERY:     Amy Kohlhagen, Gayle Zeldenrust

                           Luke Zylstra, Kristy Kohlhagen



     USHER:          Mitch Kingma

     GREETERS:    Larry & Barb Hoffman, Donna Lageveen

     WING:             Rudy & Diane Zylstra

    NURSERY:      Heather Veld, Jeff Liebbe

                           Kelsey Kohlhagen, Maddi Curless