American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 11.10.19

Worship: November 10, 2019

   Scripture: II Chronicles 20:12                              

  Message: “I Don’t Know What to Do”     Pastor Rob Latiak




THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund and the second offering will be for our Reformed Church Women’s Ministries.

9:30 A.M.  CHILDREN’S CHURCH for kids 3 years old through 5th Grade will be in the Promiseland Area.

10:45 – 11:30 A.M.  SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages.

(Parents:  please pick your child up in his/her classroom.)   

  3 yr. old – 12th grade will meet in their respective classrooms.

  A group that discusses current events will meet in the Cry Room.

  Nursery is available upon request. 

4:15 P.M.  MOVEMENT WORSHIP TEAM PRACTICE:  Singers for the week are Addy and Kendra, and Keegan will be leading worship.  Cooper will be on guitar and Ryder on box drum.

5:00 – 7:00 P.M.  MOVEMENT will be in the Fellowship Hall. 

5:30 – 7:00 P.M.  DISCIPLESHIP ESSENTIALS BIBLE STUDY will meet in the Promiseland Area.  Nursery is available.

6:00 P.M.  PRAYER/BIBLE STUDY GROUP will meet in the Consistory Room.



 MONDAY – November 11

6:30 P.M.  DARTBALL:  Team #2 will be in the Fellowship Hall.

6:45 P.M.  DARTBALL:  Team #1 will be at Faith Lutheran.

12:30 P.M.  HOPE CIRCLE will meet in the Fireside Room.  Lorri Owsley will lead the lesson, Crystal Rose will have devotions/spiritual life thought, and Pennie Martin and Lucile Bozell will host.

WEDNESDAY – November 13

1:30 – 3:00 P.M.  NIFTY NEEDLES will meet in the Fireside Room.

4:45 P.M.  BACKPACKS for our Backpack Food Ministry will be stuffed in the Fireside Room.

5:15 – 6:30 P.M.  FAMILY NIGHT DINNER will be served in the Fellowship Hall.  Everyone is welcome!  Menu:  baked spaghetti

7:15 P.M.  MOVEMENT WORSHIP TEAM PRACTICE:  Singers for the week are Skylar and Hope, and Keegan will be leading worship.  Cooper will be on guitar and Ryder on box drum.

SATURDAY – November 16

6:00 – 7:30 A.M.  MEN’S LIFE will meet in the Fireside Room.  Each week, men meet to learn from God’s Word, have great fellowship and sharing, and spend time in prayer.  All men are welcome to join us.

1:00 P.M.  DEPARTURE FOR PACIFIC GARDEN MISSION FIELD TRIP:  We invite you to come along for a day trip to Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago.  Since 1950, this radio program has broadcast true stories of individuals who have been saved.  Be right there while the radio program “Unshackled” is produced and tour their 150,000 sq. ft. facility serving 750 men and 200 women and children.  Carpooling is available.  We will leave church at 1:00 P.M. with the tour beginning at 3:00 P.M.  Dinner is in the dining hall at 5:30, testimonies and praise service follow from 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. and we would be home by 9:30 P.M.  Sign up by the kitchen and/or contact Roy (219) 730-0591.

NEXT LORD’S DAY – November 17

9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund.

9:30 A.M.  CHILDREN’S CHURCH for kids 3 years old thru 5th Grade.

10:45 – 11:30 A.M.  SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages.

4:15 P.M.  MOVEMENT WORSHIP TEAM PRACTICE:  Singers for the week are Skylar and Hope, and Keegan will be leading worship.  Cooper will be on guitar and Ryder on box drum.

5:00 – 7:00 P.M.  MOVEMENT will be in the Fellowship Hall. 


6:00 P.M.  PRAYER/BIBLE STUDY GROUP will meet in the Consistory Room.



WE EXPRESS sympathy to Corrie Peterson and the Diane & Jon Ottinger family and all family and friends on the passing of our sister in Christ, Bonnie Stevenson.  Bonnie went home to be with her Lord on Monday, November 4.  Services were held this past Thursday in Somerset, Kentucky.  May God grant comfort during this difficult time.

THE RCWM BOARD will meet briefly in the wing after worship this morning to discuss this year’s love offering.

OUR ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be held on Wed., Nov. 20 at 6:30 P.M. for the selection of new consistory members. 

   Elder candidates are:  Dave Jolink, Bob Klemp, Chuck Liebbe,  Tim Steinke (two will be elected by lots).

   Deacon candidates are:  Kevin Broertjes, Ron Evers, Brian Hoffman, Dave Kampenga, Josh Luedtke, and Kevin Nelms (three will be elected by lots).

YOU’RE INVITED TO THE MOVEMENT SOUP SUPPER on Wednesday, November 20!  Dinner is by free will offering and will raise funds for our youth’s various activities.  There will be many delicious soups to choose from.  Dinner will be served from 5:15 – 6:30 P.M.  Come for the soup and stay for the Congregational Meeting after.  We hope to see you there!  Movement parents:  We need you to make and bring soups .  If you’d like to donate soup, please contact Sue Steinke ASAP (219-921-9189). 

THANKSGIVING IS COMINGAs we did last year, we will again open our doors to the community for Thanksgiving Dinner on Wednesday, November 27.  With such a special meal to prepare, we will need help from volunteers.  There is a sign-up sheet down by the kitchen for food servers, greeters, food prep, and clean up help, as well as those willing to take a turkey home (already purchased by the church) and cook it and those who can donate deviled eggs and pie/desserts.  Please consider helping in this way and sign-up ASAP on your way to coffee.  ?’s – Call Tammy Szostek (219-895-1334).

 THE BIBLE LEAGUE wishes to thank American Reformed Church for providing a location for their apple pies to be made and distributed for their annual fundraiser as well as the many volunteers that came to help make the pies.  They also wish to thank everyone who purchased pie!  In total, $12,500 was raised which will supply 2,500 Bibles!!

CHRISTMAS CHOIR:  ALL AGES WELCOME!  We will be forming an all-age choir for the Christmas season.  We will have our first practice on November 24 after Sunday school until 12:00 P.M.  We will be learning two songs and our performances will be December 22 and 29 during worship.  If interested, please sign up on the sheet near the kitchen. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Melissa at

 CHRISTMAS WILL BE HERE before you know it!  To help get you in the mood, the RCWM is having a night of Christmas music on December 1 at 4:00 P.M. here at church.  Please come and hear our talented church family sing and play your favorite Christmas songs!                      ALL ARE WELCOME!

HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO HELP at a Soup Kitchen or meet and talk with Homeless people? We have reserved Saturday, December 7 to help at the 1st Presbyterian Soup Kitchen in Michigan City. We will help prepare a hot meal, serve it, talk with the less fortunate who come and distribute some of the coats etc. collected during the coat drive. If you would like to car pool, we plan to leave church at 8:15.
FYI: There are fifteen steps to get down to the soup kitchen. There is a sign-up sheet on your way to coffee if you would like to help. The organizers request no more than 15 people over the age of 17.   If you have questions please call Bob and Phyllis Belstra at 987-2563.

COAT DRIVE:  Boxes are in the Fireside Room and the front foyer, by door #8, through November 24 for your donations of coats, hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters, boots, gloves, mittens and winter headgear. Items collected will be distributed between various homeless shelters and soup kitchens in surrounding counties. If you have questions, please contact Bob & Phyllis Belstra (987-2563).


ARC 5K Run/Walk & Children’s Fun Run

Saturday, November 30


  8:30 A.M.  5K Run or Walk

10:00 A.M.  Children’s Fun Run

 Register online @

(Search Reason for the Season)

 Proceeds benefit the

Backpack Food Ministry

for KVSC Students

WE ARE LOOKING for 2 leaders for Children’s Church lessons!  This would be for ages 3-1st grade.  Leaders are asked to teach once every 6 weeks.  If interested, please contact Stacy Hoffman (869-8114 or

      USHER:             Brian Hoffman

      GREETERS:     Henry & Pat DeKock, Don & Jenny Tillema                         

      WING:                Ron & Lorri Owsley

      NURSERY:       Julie DeKock, Silvia Andree

                                  Sierra Evers, Kristy Kohlhagen


      USHER:             Mike Curless

      GREETERS:     Kevan & Angela Myers Family                         

      WING:                Dave & Audrey Jolink

      NURSERY:       Jorie Wireman, Ellen Kenning                               

                                         Kennedy Latiak, Lindsay Zeldenrust



American Reformed Church

Senior Pastor:  Pastor Troy Nanninga;  

Pastor of Youth & Education:  Pastor Rob Latiak; 

Director of Worship:  Melissa Smoker;
