American Reformed Church

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Church News 3.22.20

News for March 22, 2020

Be sure to watch Pastor Troy’s message based on Psalm 121 online this Sunday at 9:30 A.M.  It can be accessed on our website (, our YouTube page, or our Facebook page.  Messages will be posted on March 22, 29, and April 5 or until public worship resumes.


Please continue to remember in prayer…

♦ Carol Sietsma     ♦ Al Grube       ♦ Chris Clark          ♦ Michelle Veld

♦ Lucile Bozell      ♦ Sharon Bovenkerk

 If you have a health concern you would like us to include for prayer,  please contact the church office.

PLEASE REMEMBER all on-site church activities are cancelled at this time.  The church office will be open Monday – Friday for any needs you may have.

WE WANT TO MAKE YOU AWARE of resources you can take advantage of during this period of isolation.  Now is a great time to sign up for RightNow Media if you haven’t already.  Just go to and you can create your free account which will allow you to access thousands of Bible studies and other great content.  There is a ton of awesome children’s content there as well.  Also, for those of you who are teaching your children from home, Scholastic has set up a website where you can access free learning content for your child

WOULD YOU LIKE to receive ARC updates via text message?  Just text @demottearc to 81010 to sign up! 

WE’RE STILL LOOKING FOR YOUR STORIES and/or memories about your time at ARC.  Please email your memories to the church office at 

IF YOU HAVE ANY issues financially, or if you need assistance in any way with food or other items, please contact the church office and we will assist you as well as we can.

LAST SUNDAY’S OFFERING: Regular Fund – $4,232.00; Christian Aid - $100.00.

ONLINE GIVING is available through by clicking on the “Donate” link at the bottom of the home page.  You can set up a one-time gift or a recurring donation.  Donations may also be mailed in.  We believe that God will provide and one way that God does that is through the generosity of his people.  So, thank you in advance for how you support ARC financially.


HELP NEEDEDJoni VanderWoude and family are looking for volunteers to help Joni and with childcare because her agency is understaffed. However, if you are licensed and would be interested in the paid position, arrangements can be made. For information, please give Joni a call at 219-898-0581.

THE BIBLE LEAGUE ANNUAL SPRING LUNCHEON that was set for Tiebel’s Restaurant has been cancelled.   

SEEKING 1ST GRADE TEACHER FOR 2020-2021DeMotte Christian School is looking for a full-time 1st grade teacher for the 2020-2021 school year.  Applicants must hold at least a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university, agree fully with the school’s statement of beliefs, and is an active member of a church with a Reformed persuasion.  Preferably this candidate would possess leadership qualities as well as a coaching or special education background.  If interested in applying for the position, please contact the school office at (219)987-3721, or send a resume and request an application from Devon Brinks, Superintendent, at

COVENANT CHRISTIAN COACHING OPPORTUNITIESThe school is looking for coaches to fill the following positions:

Ø  Varsity Girls’ Soccer

Ø  JV Girls’ Volleyball

Ø  Co-Ed Cross Country

Ø  Varsity Boys’ Basketball

Ø  Varsity Girls’ Basketball

Ø  JV Girls’ Basketball

If you are interested in any of these positions, contact Rick DeFries at or call the high school at 219-987-7651 by Friday, March 27.

DMCS SOCIETY MEETINGDeMotte Christian Schools, Inc. strongly encourages you to “attend” the Annual Society Meeting TBD.

·         Society members will vote on the proposed advisory budget and new Board members.  The bylaws require that a member “be 18 years of age or older and have individually contributed a minimum of $50 to the school corporation in the 13 months prior to the publication of the agenda.”

·         Society booklets can be found DMCS Google Calendar at, click on the Society Meeting date of April 7, 2020, and view the attachment.

·         To submit a ballot for board members, a member must complete the election ballot and the member affirmation statement; submit via email to, by April 7, to be “present” for the voting process.