American Reformed Church

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Church News 4.19.20

News for April 19, 2020

Be sure to watch Pastor Troy’s message online this Sunday at 9:30 A.M.  It can be accessed on our website (, our YouTube page or our Facebook page. We will also be posting a playlist of worship songs that Melissa put together at 9:00 A.M. on Facebook on Sunday morning (a link to this list will be emailed on Friday, 4-17 as well) so you can use those to worship together as a family.


Please continue to remember in prayer…

♦ Carol Sietsma    ♦ Al Grube       ♦ Chris Clark          ♦ Michelle Veld

♦ Don Tillema       ♦ Sharon Bovenkerk

If you have a health concern you would like us to include for prayer, 

please contact the church office.


NEW ADDRESS:  Lucile Bozell has moved into a new apartment in Oak Grove.  Her room number is 217.  Oak Grove 221 W. Division Road, DeMotte.

PLEASE REMEMBER all on-site church activities are cancelled at this time. 

THE CHURCH OFFICE is working on shortened hours to help ensure the safety of our congregation and staff.  We will be open Monday thru Friday, 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.  Much of the work staff are doing is being done at home, but we will still have these limited office hours for work that needs to be done on site. While we are still here in the office at that time, we ask that you call or email us with your needs rather than physically coming into the office. We miss you all greatly but want to take proper precautions as we know COVID-19 is in our community. We continue to pray for the health and safety of everyone and look forward to when we can meet with our church family again.

IF YOU'RE ALREADY PLANNING to make a grocery shopping trip, the Good Neighbor Food Pantry of DeMotte is in need of some items.

Specifically, they need:

·   peanut butter

·   jelly

·   Hamburger Helper

·   cereal 

These items can be set in the front church foyer (Door #8) for a contact free drop off.  The door is open 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M., Mon.-Fri.  We thank everyone who has donated so far.  The pantry is seeing increased need and expects to see new families each week.  Thank you!

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO DO?  Last year, we partnered with World Vision for the Global 6k.  Each person who participated provided clean water for a child somewhere in the world.  We are going to be doing the Global 6k again this year!     

Here's what it's going to look like: 

Date:  Saturday, May 16

Where: Wherever you want!                       

Due to Covid-19 restrictions we can't have a large in person event, but we can still move our feet for clean water on our own!  You can go for a walk or run in your neighborhood or in a park.  You can even walk or run around your house!   You just commit to walking or running 6k (just over 3.5 miles) sometime that day and you still provide clean water for a child in need.  Cost: $50/adult or $25/child   Each registration provides clean water for one child.  Here is a link where you can sign up to join our team!  We hope you will consider joining us to move our feet for clean water!

WE WANT TO MAKE YOU AWARE of resources you can take advantage of during this period of isolation.  Now is a great time to sign up for RightNow Media if you haven’t already.  Just go to and you can create your free account which will allow you to access thousands of Bible studies and other great content.  There is a ton of awesome children’s content there as well.  Also, for those of you who are teaching your children from home, Scholastic has set up a website where you can access free learning content for your child

WOULD YOU LIKE to receive ARC updates and cancellation info via text message?  Just text @demottearc to 81010 to sign up! 

IF YOU HAVE ANY issues financially, or if you need assistance in any way with food or other items, please contact the church office and we will assist you as well as we can.

OFFERING for April 11–17 (Including online donations):  Regular Fund - $9,425.00; Missions & Benevolences Fund - $80.00; Movement - $246.00, Good neighbor Food Pantry - $300.00.

ONLINE GIVING is available through by clicking on the “Donate” link at the bottom of the home page.  You can set up a one-time gift or a recurring donation.  Donations may also be mailed in.  We believe that God will provide and one way that God does that is through the generosity of his people.  So, thank you for how you support ARC financially.

WE’RE STILL LOOKING FOR YOUR STORIES and/or memories about your time at ARC.  Please email your memories to the church office at 


IMPORTANT DMCS SOCIETY MEETING UPDATEThe DMCS Society Meeting will now take place online on Wednesday, April 15, at 7:00pm.  If you have not received this updated information, contact the DMC office at 219-987-3721 or by Monday, April 13.

COVENANT CHRISTIAN COACHING OPPORTUNITIESThe school is looking for coaches to fill the following positions:

Ø  Varsity Girls’ Soccer

Ø  JV Girls’ Volleyball

Ø  Co-Ed Cross Country

Ø  Varsity Boys’ Basketball

Ø  Varsity Girls’ Basketball

Ø  JV Girls’ Basketball

If you are interested in any of these positions, contact Rick DeFries at or call the high school at 219-987-7651 by Friday, March 27.