American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 7.4.21

Worship: July 4, 2021

   Scripture: Galatians 5:1-6

   Message: “Freedom” Pastor Troy Nanninga


To grab a cup of coffee from the Fellowship Hall/Kitchen serving ledge downstairs before the service!  You are also invited to stay for a time of fellowship and coffee in the Fellowship Hall after the service!



9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS:   Diane Ottinger, Kelsey Kohlhagen

9:50 – 10:30 A.M.   BIBLE ADVENTURES: Kids 3 years old  - 5th grade will gather at the back of  the Sanctuary to go down to  Bible Adventures.


     Pre-K/K – Heather Veld                        

     1st – 5th – Amy Kohlhagen

OFFERING BASKETS are located at Sanctuary exits. Our offering will be received for the General Fund. Donations for DeMotte Christian Schools, Inc. will also be welcome.



SATURDAY – July 10

9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.  CAMP OUT BIBLE SCHOOL  Get ready for a day of camp fun and getting s’more of Jesus!  Sign-ups are linked on the church website and Facebook.  Please be sure to pre-register children from the age of 3 to 5th grade.  Volunteers also need to register online.  We will be hosting a Family Cookout immediately following the Bible School. Parents, family members, and children are welcome to stay for food and family activities.   If you have any questions or concerns, contact Kristy Kohlhagen   at 219-869-8687 or email

 NEXT SUNDAY – July 11

9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS:  Beth Veldman, Jeff Liebbe

9:50 – 10:30 A.M.  BIBLE ADVENTURES: Kids 3 years old - 5th grade will gather at the back of the Sanctuary to go down to Bible Adventures.


     Pre-K/K – Shannon Scheurich / Skylar Evers                       

     1st – 5th – Deb Klemp

OFFERING BASKETS will be located at Sanctuary exits.               

Our offering will be received for the General Fund. 




A NEW ARC ADDRESS DIRECTORY  will be distributed this summer.  An info update form was placed in your mailbox a couple of weeks ago.  Please fill out your current information and return to Stacy Hoffman’s mailbox TODAY!  Extra forms are available in the kitchen window.

Young Adults Group Callout meeting:   Next Sunday, July 11 In the consistory room following the service Calling all ARC young adults!   We are excited to announce that a new group is forming for young adult Bible study and fellowship.  The group will include singles and couples from college age - approximately early 30’s,  or whoever is interested in attending.  Come find out more! See you at the meeting!

RESCHEDULED MOBILE FOOD PANTRY:   Our last pantry had to be cancelled due to weather and we now have a new date of Monday, July 19.  We will need about 10 volunteers to help pack boxes outside for the drive-thru pantry.  Volunteers are asked to arrive by 9:15 A.M.  Clients should arrive no earlier than 9:30 A.M.  If you would like to help, please sign up on the sheet in the kitchen window.

SAVE THE DATE!  The Annual ARC Golf Outing at Sandy Pines will be on Saturday, September 18.  Watch future bulletins for details.

PASTOR TROY will be on vacation July 5–18 and will return to the office on July 19.  Please contact an elder with any pastoral concerns.  Rev. Paul Ipema will be with us in worship next Sunday to share a message.            

 THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed tomorrow, July 5 in observance of Independence Day.

 THE TUESDAY MORNING PRAYER MEETING will not meet for the next two weeks.  We will meet again on July 20.

 WE WISH TO GIVE A BIG THANK YOU to Sam Sietsma for all the time and work he has put into painting MANY of the hallways and trim in church.  Everything looks great!  Thanks, Sam!

 THANK YOU so much to the Movement high school students for the goody bag and for praying with me last week!”  – Teresa Evers

 BIBLE ADVENTURES videos and take-home sheets are available on our website!  This gives kids an opportunity to watch the video again at home or see videos they missed!  There are printable coloring pages for Pre-K/K and printable Take Home Sheets for 1st – 5th grade.  Visit and go to the Children’s Ministry page.  There, you will find a link to the content (please note that the content page is password protected; the password is “adventures”.  New lessons are posted weekly! 

HAVE YOU THOUGHT about running or walking for Team World Vision?  We would LOVE to have you with us as we bring clean water to communities in need in underdeveloped countries.  Consider participating by running (or walking) a Half or running a Full Marathon – or supporting Team World Vision by contributing to an individual runner or the team.  We will participate in the Indy Monumental Marathon on November 6.  We would love to have you help build our team. You can register at (search American Reformed Church once on the site) or contact the church office for info on registration.

DID YOU KNOW that American Reformed has online giving available?  It’s a convenient way to set up a one-time donation or recurring donations.  Just go to and click on “Donate” at the bottom of the home page to get started. 

 IF YOU KNOW of someone who needs help from Christians Helping Christians, please contact Bonnie Sanow (987-6252).

 WOULD YOU LIKE to receive ARC updates and cancellation info via text message?  Just text @demottearc to 81010 to sign up!


DeMotte Christian Schools, Inc. is accepting applications for a dedicated and enthusiastic lower elementary grade teacher.  Based on enrollment, this position’s main responsibility could be to teach 1st or 2nd grade students from a Reformed perspective.  The ideal candidate should have strong Christian values, flexibility in their schedule, a love for teaching students and experience working with children/students.  It is required that the applicants have a baccalaureate degree in or related to Elementary Education from an accredited college or university.  Background checks are required.  If interested, complete an application at and submit it to the contact below:
Mr. Dan Weaver, DeMotte Christian School Assistant Principal;   Email:; 219-987-3721

 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL REGISTRATION:  DeMotte Christian Grade School and Covenant Christian High School Registration is on the evenings of Thursday, July 22, and Tuesday, July 27, from                6:00 - 8:00 P.M.  These registration nights are intended for ALL parents of DMC and CCHS students enrolled for the 2021-2022 school year.  It allows parents to complete necessary forms, pick up vital information, ask questions, make financial arrangements, etc.  All parents must plan to attend one of these evenings. If you have children at both schools, you need to visit both schools.