American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 7.22.18


Worship 7.22.18                       

   Scripture:  I Peter 5                                                                 

   Message:  “Freedom from Anxiety”    Rev. Troy Nanninga



  Feel free to grab a cup of coffee from the Fellowship Hall/Kitchen serving ledge downstairs before the service!  You are also invited to stay for a time of fellowship and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after the service!


THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund and the second offering will be for our Missions & Benevolences Fund.


6:00 – 8:00 P.M.   YOUTH GAME NIGHT:                                                                 Games, Pizza, and Hanging Out  (The winning team gets ½ off for the Great America Trip – a $20 value)



 WEDNESDAY – July 25

1:00 – 3:00 P.M.  GOD’S UNIQUE ANTIQUES will meet in the Fireside Room.  If you are retired and have some extra time on your hands, please join us.  We usually play a game and have refreshments.


9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund.




 Please continue to remember in prayer…

♦ Sharon Bovenkerk      ♦ Donna Zandstra      ♦ Jeff Mehan

♦ Jean Peterson

WE EXPRESS sympathy to Charlie & Susie Hamstra on the passing of Charlie’s sister, Beverly Dahm.  Beverly went home to be with her Lord on Sunday, July 15.  Services were held this past Wednesday.  May God grant comfort during this difficult time.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Pansy Hanford on July 26, when she will be 101 years young!  There will be an open house for her at Embers in Rensselaer on that day from 1:00 – 5:00 P.M.  She would appreciate cards and visits but NO gifts.  She is a resident at the Rensselaer Care Center; 1309 E. Grace Street, Rensselaer, IN 47978.

WE HAVE EXTRA CHURCH PEWS being stored here at church that are no longer needed.  If you would like to take one or more of them, please contact Mike Veld at 765-490-1644 or catch him after church. 


“All Things New”

 July 29:      New Eyes

August 5:    New Mind

August 12:  New Heart

August 19:  New Life




Professional pictures for the new church directory will be taken on August 6, 7, and 8 (Monday – Wednesday) Appointment times go from 2:00 – 9:00 P.M.  There is a table in the Fellowship Hall today where you can schedule your appointment and get more information from our Fellowship Committee members.  You can also sign up online by going to

It’s a great time for a summer barbeque!  Anyone up for playing cards?  It’s always nice to fellowship and have coffee and dessert!   Wouldn’t it be nice to grab lunch and meet at the park?  If any of these fellowship opportunities sound good to you, maybe you’d be interested in hosting an ARC get-together!  Pick up a host volunteer sheet from the table in the kitchen hallway, fill it out and put it in the Get-Together tray on that same table OR call or text Kristi (219-964-9957 OR 987-5195) or Donna (219-730-9824 OR 987-4289).  No pressure to come up with people to ask to come to your event.  You will be given a list, along with invitations to fill out and put in mailboxes of your guests.  Get-togethers are happening and being enjoyed!  In order to reach more people in a timely manner, additional hosts are welcome!  If you receive info in your mailbox about a get-together, please respond if you are able or unable to attend so the host can plan accordingly.  What a blessing to be a part of the family of God here at ARC!  Let’s be deliberate in developing relationships and strengthening ties.

A VOLUNTEER SIGN UP SHEET is posted by the kitchen for those who would like to volunteer for our next Mobile Food Pantry set for Friday, August 10.  There are a couple ways you can help with this important ministry.  We need volunteers to help that day with various jobs such as working in the kitchen, helping with registration, and helping clients carry food to their cars.  Also, we need baked goods to serve.  All help is so appreciated!

 LADIES:  In August and September, the Circles will be starting up again.  A Circle is a gathering of ladies (not necessarily church members) who are studying a devotional or a book of the Bible.  We study, pray and fellowship.  At the moment, there are 5 groups.  Call the church office (987-5115) or Mary Kucharik (987-4746) Reformed Church Women’s Ministry Chairman of for further information. 

“THANK YOU to all who sent me cards, came to visit, and for your prayers.  I’m doing much better.”  - Char Evers

DO YOU HAVE INFORMATION about your group, meeting, or committee you would like help publicizing?  We would be glad to get the word out any way you wish. Please email any information or pictures to the Media Committee at

IF YOU KNOW of someone who needs help from Christians Helping Christians, please contact Bonnie Sanow (987-6252).


 DEMOTTE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC. will once again be bringing delicious DUTCH BAKERY TREATS to DeMotte’s Touch of Dutch Festival on Saturday, August 11 from 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. at DeMotte’s Spencer Park!  BANKET, DUTCH CINNAMON BREAD, ALMOND CURRANT BREAD, DUTCH CHICAGO GIRL SUGAR COOKIES, and CURRANT BUNS will all be featured at DMCS’ booth this year!  Mark your calendar and make plans to stop by the BIG BLUE BOOTH set up in DeMotte’s Spencer Park.  Show your support for our schools by picking up some classic Dutch bakery treats and enjoy them at the Festival or share them with your family and friends at your Sunday coffeetime!  All bakery items will be baked fresh and picked up and/or delivered very early Saturday morning, so everything will be bakery fresh that day and ready to enjoy that weekend, or all items will freeze very well too to enjoy later!  A little Dutch goodness brought right to your doorstep, so be sure to step out and show your support for Covenant Christian and DeMotte Christian Schools at the Festival this year!  Your support is greatly appreciated!

“SEEKERS IN SNEAKERS” Lake Village Presbyterian Church will be hosting a 5K Run/Walk on August 18 to support the ministries of their church.  It will begin and end at the Lake Village Firehouse.  Registration forms with more information are located in the kitchen window.

REGISTRATION DATES:  If you could not attend the July 19 student registration, come the evening of Tuesday, July 31, from 6:00 – 8:00 P.M. to complete registration of your child(ren).  This registration night is intended for all parents of DMC and CCHS students enrolled for the 2018-2019 school year.  It allows parents to complete necessary forms, pick up vital information, ask questions, make financial arrangements, etc.  All parents who were not able to attend last week MUST attend on this evening.  If you have children at both schools, you need to visit both schools.  Your Tuition Agreement Plan will be at DeMotte Christian School.


     USHER:         Brian Hoffman       

     GREETERS:  Jeff & Rachel Fase Family

     WING:           Jim & Darlene Wiers

     NURSERY:         Kelli Hale, Sue Steinke

                          Hannah Veldman,

                          Madison Zeldenrust


     USHER:         Mike Curless

     GREETERS:  Kyle & Jill Kohlhagen Family,

                            Neil & Diana Myers

     WING:           Bob & Phyllis Belstra

    NURSERY:    Deb Klemp, Rachel Fase

                          Kendra Zylstra, Hazel Veldman