Rev. Troy Nanninga
Senior Pastor
Pastor Troy came to ARC in 2010 as Pastor of Youth and Education. He started as our Senior Pastor in August 2017. Pastor Troy is married to his wife, Kara, and they have twin boys, Max and Will, and a daughter, Kayleigh.
Stacy Hoffman
Office Administrator
Stacy came to ARC in 2008 as our administrator. Stacy manages the day to day operations of the church office. She is married to her husband, Brian.
Brittney Liebbe
Communications & Media Coordinator (part-time)
Brittney began at ARC on August of 2024. She helps to guide our social and worship media. Brittney is married to her husband, Greg, and they have two sons, Charlie and Wells.
Sam Sietsma
Church Custodian (part-time)
Sam began as custodian in 2012 and is responsible for the care and maintenance of our facility.
Administrative Elders
Roger Knip
Jim Veldman
Matt Kallemeyn
Tim Steinke
Care Elders
Jeff Sampson
Robb Walstra
Ryan Kohlhagen
Kyle Kohlhagen
Administrative Deacons
Drew Clark
Kevin Nelms
Brian Hanewich
Nathan Ooms
Care Deacons
Keith Jolink
Tom Abbring
Mike Veld
Brian Hoffman