Message 3.2.25

Series 2.2.25 - 2.23.25

February is often a time when we think about love. We all long to be loved and to share love with others. Join us for our February Message Series as we think about what it means for us to be rooted in love for God, our neighbor, God's Word, and ourselves.

Series 1.5.25 - 1.26.25

What does it mean to live a life of full generosity? How are you letting God be the guide of all parts of your life? Are you being good stewards of all that God has given you? In this 3 week series we will look at how we are to be faithful with our Time, Talents, and Finances and allow God to be the focus of how we allocate our resources.

Message 12.29.24

Series 12.1.24 - 12.24.24

This Advent, we will have a teaching series called "Reel Christmas Means..." which will explore the traditional Christmas themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love as they are seen both in Scripture and through the lens of Christmas movies you know and love. Please join us this Advent as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus together!

Series 10.13.24-11.17.24

We are constantly being formed by the world around us. To be formed by Jesus will require us to become his apprentice.

To live by what the first Christian disciples called a Rule of Life—a set of practices and relational rhythms that slow us down and opens space in our daily lives for God to do what only God can do—transforms the deepest parts of us to become like him.

Series: 9.8.24-10.13.24

As we prepare for an election in our country, it is important for us to recognize the reality of another kingdom that exists, one that is real but not bound by any sort of national boundaries. This is the kingdom that Jesus came to establish, to which Christians stand as citizens, and the one that will ultimately triumph and endure forever and ever.

Series: 8.4.24 - 9.1.24

A famine. A woman and her two daughters who have all lost their husbands. Out of the midst of hunger and grief we hear God's great redemption story. The kindness of a stranger. Hope that grows out of loss. All which points back to God and the story of His redemption of His people.

Series: 7.7.24 - 7.28.24

An angry king. Devastating drought. Epic opposition. And one man who overcomes it all.

Join us as we learn from one of the greatest prayer warriors in the Bible, Elijah.

Series: 6.2.24 - 6.30.24

What really makes for a happy life? A dream job, a bigger house, or a new relationship? If you’re always hungry for the next big thing, but frustrated because it never seems to satisfy, you might be Chasing Carrots. It’s time to hop off the treadmill and chase after something real.

Message: 5/26/24

Celebrate the freedom that we have to worship the Lord!

Message: 5/19/24

Our Movement Youth Students lead us in worship!

Message: 5/12/24

Explore the part we all play in growing future generations.

Series : 4/7/24 - 5/5/24

A compelling symbol can communicate very deep meaning. Join us for our message series this April as we explore some symbols connected to the Christian faith and what they can mean for our lives.

Series : 3/24/24 - 3/31/24

Holy week is a time of awe, reflection, and thanksgiving for the incredible gift of our salvation through Jesus Christ. Three special times of worship: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Easter Sunday. Let’s celebrate together!