American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 8.19.18

9:30 A.M. Worship     

Scripture:  John 10: 7-10              Message:  “All Things New:  New Life”  Rev. Troy Nanninga



  Feel free to grab a cup of coffee from the Fellowship Hall/Kitchen serving ledge downstairs before the service!  You are also invited to stay for a time of fellowship and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after the service!


WE WILL RECEIVE Kelsey Kohlhagen into membership this morning by her Profession of Faith.

THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund.



 MONDAY – August 20

7:00 P.M.  RCWM EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING will be in the Fireside Room.

NEXT LORD’S DAY – August 26

9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund and the second offering will be for our Missions & Benevolences Fund.



 Please continue to remember in prayer…

♦ Sharon Bovenkerk      ♦ Donna Zandstra        ♦ Dan Kaluf

♦ Jean Peterson has returned to Oak Grove Rehab.    



Today after worship

in the Youth Room. 

Parents are welcome to this informational meeting on the new school year and changes for the Youth Ministry.

PASTOR TROY will be on vacation this week and will return on Monday, August 27.  Please contact Pastor Rob with pastoral concerns.  Our church secretary, Stacy, will be out of the office Monday through Wednesday this week and will return on Thursday.

GOD’S UNIQUE ANTIQUES will meet next on Wednesday, August 29 from 1:00 – 3:00 P.M.  If you are retired and have some extra time on your hands, please join us.  We usually play a game and have refreshments!



“All Things New”

Today:  New Life

 If you’ve missed the previous Sundays (New Eyes, New Mind, New Heart) of the series, you can catch them at or on YouTube.



  ORGANIC OUTREACH              ~ This will be a 10 week class led by Pastor Troy that will focus on natural ways to build evangelism in our lives as individuals and as a church.  We will learn ways to have evangelism happen in practical and natural ways in all parts of our life.  This class will be offered on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings beginning the week of Sept. 16.  Please sign up on the sheet by the kitchen if planning to attend.

  • THE MEANING OF MARRIAGE                                          Pastor Rob and Melanie will be leading a 6 week class on marriage.  If you are married, hope to be married, or want to just learn more about marriage, this class is for you!  You will learn more about what the Bible says about marriage and how to center our marriage on God.  This class will be offered on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings beginning the week of Sept. 16.  Please sign up on the sheet by the kitchen if planning to attend.

  KIDS HOPE USAWe are excited to continue building relationships with the students, teachers and staff at DeMotte Elementary and KV Intermediate School.  After another great year, we are confident we will need more mentors who can invest one hour each week in the life of one child.  Training is provided.  Will you be the one to help change the life of a child?  If you are interested in being a mentor, substitute mentor or prayer partner, please pick up an application packet from the table by the kitchen.  Completed applications can be returned directly to Kara Nanninga or Heather Veld or put in either of their mailboxes.  Questions?  Talk to or email Kara (;219-805-9926) or Heather (; 219-869-3403). 

 LADIES:  This month and next, the Circles will be starting up again.  A Circle is a gathering of ladies (not necessarily church members) who are studying a devotional or a book of the Bible.  We study, pray and fellowship.  At the moment, there are 5 groups.  Call the church office (987-5115) or Mary Kucharik (987-4746) Reformed Church Women’s Ministry Chairman for further information. 

WE HAVE EXTRA CHURCH PEWS being stored here at church that are no longer needed.  If you would like to take one or more of them, please contact Mike Veld at 765-490-1644 or catch him after church. 

DO YOU HAVE INFORMATION about your group, meeting, or committee you would like help publicizing?  We would be glad to get the word out any way you wish. Please email any information or pictures to the Media Committee at

“THANK YOU to everyone for your prayers, cards and visits during the illness and passing of my husband, Jeff.  I also wish to give special thanks to Pastor Troy for everything.”  – Maryann Mehan

THANK YOU so much for all your help at the Mobile Food Pantry… those who baked, those who served, and those who moved the food.  We received many compliments for our cheerful, kindly, respectful attitude.  Our next truck will be Friday, October 12.  We served over 100 families and expect that number to grow with colder weather.  If you choose to bake, you can put the goodies in the church freezers labeled “Mobile Food” at your convenience.  Thank you again for all your generosity.  – The Mobile Food Pantry Committee

ADDRESS UPDATEMarilynn Stellingwerf – 307 11th Circle SE, DeMotte, IN 46310

IF YOU KNOW of someone who needs help from Christians Helping Christians, please contact Bonnie Sanow (987-6252).


  • Received Kelsey Kohlhagen into membership by Profession of Faith. 
  • Approved financial reports for June and July.
  • Approved paying August mission askings of $1,919.50.
  • Approved transfer of $20,000 from Regular Fund to Building Fund.
  • Approved doing a coat drive.

LAST WEEK’S OFFERING:  Regular Fund - $5,263.00; Missions & Benevolences Fund - $100.00; Dan Kaluf - $100.00; Team World Vision (Tim Zylstra) - $100.00, (Keith Jolink) - $30.00; Youth Group - $100.00.


SUPPORT THE CCHS VOLLYBALL TEAMS by signing up to participate in the 1st “Under The Lights” corn Hole tournament on August 25 (5:30pm Registration, 6:00pm 1st Round Begins).  Entry fee at the door is $40/team, $20/individual which includes meal ticket.  For more information or to pre-register by August 20, email Coach Roodzant at, Coach Buiter at or Mel Schaafsma at 

DMCS’s ANNUAL MAGAZINE SALE HAS BEGUN!  Contact a current elementary or high school student or order online at and use DMCS’s online store code:  2582989.  DMCS receives 40% of each and every order.  What a wonderful way to place a new subscription or re-new a current one AND support DeMote Christian Schools, Inc.!

SELAH, Dove Award Winning Recording Group, will be live in concert at Bethel Christian Reformed Church of Lansing, IL on Friday, September 14 at 7:00 P.M.  This concert, hosted by the Illiana Division of Bible League Volunteers will be an uplifting musical experience, bringing everyone into a spirit of worship.  Tickets are available at: or call:  866-825-4636 during normal business hours.  Tickets are $20 each with limited availability.  So, don’t delay!  A love offering will be received for ministry in Latin America through Bible League International Volunteers.  Bethel Christian Reformed Church (3500 Glenwood Lansing Road, Lansing, IL 60438).


     USHER:          Jeff Fase            

     GREETERS:    Roy & Deb Gouwens Family

     WING:             Dave & Audrey Jolink         

     NURSERY:      Pam Abbring, Silvia Andree

                            Kaitlyn Zeldenrust, Maddi Curless



     USHER:         Mitch Kingma

     GREETERS:  Harold & Charlene Evers,

                          Theresa Mak, Nettie Glessner        

     WING:           Andy & Sharon Nannenga                                      

     NURSERY:     Kristi Walstra, Ellen Kenning

                          Luke Zylstra, Kristy Kohlhagen