American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 9.2.18

Worship:  September 2, 2018

Scripture:  Luke 6: 1-11      Message:  “The Greater Good”    Rev. Troy Nanninga



  Feel free to grab a cup of coffee from the Fellowship Hall/Kitchen serving ledge downstairs before the service!  You are also invited to stay for a time of fellowship and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after the service!


THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund.



 TUESDAY – September 4

1:00 P.M.  FELLOWSHIP CIRCLE will meet in the Fireside Room.  Barb Kingma will lead the introductory lesson in our new book, Seemless, by Angie Smith.  Diane Zylstra will have devotions and Phyllis Gaillard and Mary Kucharik will host.

7:00 P.M.  EVANGELISM COMMITTEE will meet in the Consistory Room.  Members are:   Marv Peterson, Roy Gouwens, Jonathan Hart, Kyle Kohlhagen, Matt Kallemeyn, Keith Jolink, Steve & Tammy Szostek, Jay & Holly Starkey.

THURSDAY – September 6

7:00 P.M.  HOPE CIRCLE will meet in the Fireside Room.  Karen Nannenga will lead the lesson, Lorri Owsley will have Devotions/Spiritual Life Thought, and Lucile Bozell and Ann Van Schepen will host.

NEXT LORD’S DAY – September 9

9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund.



September 9 @ 11:00 A.M.

Games and Food    ·    Bounce House

Rock Climbing Wall    ·    Balloon Artist

All Welcome!  Invite Friends!

CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Kaitlyn (Zeldenrust) Bultema who were married yesterday, September 1.  May God bless them both as they seek to serve Christ together.

IF YOU DID NOT get your picture taken for the directory, please email or turn in a picture to the church office by this Wednesday.

 NEW COLLEGE ADDRESS?  We like to keep up with our college students.  Please let the office know your current college address and email at

“THANK YOU for the birthday wishes, thoughts, and prayers.  God loves you and so do I.”  – Pansy Hanford


  ORGANIC OUTREACH        ~ This will be a 10 week class led by Pastor Troy that will focus on natural ways to build evangelism in our lives as individuals and as a church.  We will learn ways to have evangelism happen in practical and natural ways in all parts of our life.  This class will be offered on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings beginning the week of Sept. 16.  Please sign up on the sheet by the kitchen if planning to attend.

  • THE MEANING OF MARRIAGE    Pastor Rob and Melanie will be leading a 6 week class on marriage.  If you are married, hope to be married, or want to just learn more about marriage, this class is for you!  You will learn more about what the Bible says about marriage and how to center our marriage on God.  This class will be offered on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings beginning the week of Sept. 16.  Please sign up on the sheet by the kitchen if planning to attend.

CHILDREN’S CHURCH EXTENDED TO 5TH GRADE!   Great news!  We are now offering Children’s Church to kids 3 years old through 5th grade!  We are excited for this year as we help kids explore the Bible and praise God!  Registration forms and info letters have been placed in mailboxes for parents.  Please fill them out ASAP and return them to Stacy Hoffman’s mailbox.  If we missed getting a form in your box, extras are available in the kitchen window.  The first day of Children’s Church is September 16.  

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A CHILDREN’S CHURCH HELPERAnyone 6th grade and up is welcome to help our leaders!  If that’s you, sign up on the sheet by the kitchen!  

  FAMILY NIGHT DINNERS begin September 19!  Join us every Wednesday evening for a home-cooked meal and a chance to relax and enjoy family and friends.  Dinner will be served from 5:15 – 6:30 P.M.  Free will contributions are welcome. 

  IT’S ALMOST THAT TIME AGAIN!  Dartball season is coming and our first captain’s meeting is September 10th.  We have a sign-up sheet in the hallway across from the Fireside Room.  If you’re interested but have questions, you can talk to Josh Luedtke, Jeff Liebbe, or Brian DeKock.  Looking forward to having you on our team!

  FAITHFIT YOGA at American Reformed begins Tuesday, September 11!  FaithFit Yoga provides a faith based atmosphere to promote health, happiness, and well-being in the community.  Because the body is the temple, we strive to nurture our health while bringing our participants closer to Christ through yoga.  Two Tuesday class times will again be offered, 6:00 & 7:15 P.M.  Check the flyer in your mailbox today for more info or find one on the table by the kitchen! 

  COAT DRIVEBoxes will be in the Fireside Room September 16 through October for your donations of coats, hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters, boots and gloves.  Items collected will be distributed between The Crisis Center in Rensselaer and various shelters and soup kitchens in Lake County and Porter County in October and November.  If you have questions please contact Bob & Phyllis Belstra.

  KIDS HOPE USAWe are excited to continue building relationships with the students, teachers and staff at DeMotte Elementary and KV Intermediate School.  After another great year, we are confident we will need more mentors who can invest one hour each week in the life of one child.  Training is provided.  Will you be the one to help change the life of a child?  If you are interested in being a mentor, substitute mentor or prayer partner, please pick up an application packet from the table by the kitchen.  Completed applications can be returned directly to Kara Nanninga or Heather Veld or put in either of their mailboxes.  Questions?  Talk to or email Kara (;219-805-9926) or Heather (; 219-869-3403). 

DUTCH APPLE PIES ARE BACK!  The Bible League will again be selling delicious apple pies for $11.00 benefitting African Bible translations.  The order deadline is September 16, 2018 with delivery pickup on October 10 between 3:00-5:00 P.M.  Order forms were placed in mailboxes last week; extras are available on the table across from the kitchen. 


     USHER:          Steve Szostek    

     GREETERS:    Ryan & Amy Kohlhagen Family

     WING:             Ron & Lorri Owsley            

     NURSERY:      Sue Steinke, Heather Veld

                            Madison Zeldenrust, Jillian Tysen



     USHER:         Scott Tysen

     GREETERS:  Fred & Janelle Abbring, Bob & Edie Bakker

     WING:           Ellen Kenning, Mary Kucharik                                               

     NURSERY:    Angela Myers, Amy Kohlhagen,

                          Beth Veldman, Gwen Walstra