American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 10-20-19

Worship - October 20, 2019

Scripture: Exodus 3:10              

 Message: “Let Me Think About It”       Pastor Rob Latiak




THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund.

9:30 A.M.  CHILDREN’S CHURCH for kids 3 years old through 5th Grade will be in the Promiseland Area.

10:45 – 11:30 A.M.  SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages.

(Parents:  please pick your child up in his/her classroom.)   

  3 yr. old – 12th grade will meet in their respective classrooms.

  A group that discusses current events will meet in the Cry Room.

  Nursery is available upon request. 

4:00 P.M.  MOVEMENT WORSHIP PRACTICE     Singers for the week are Kate L. and Keegan, and Kendra will be leading worship.  Cooper will be on guitar and Ryder on box drum.

5:00 – 7:00 P.M.  MOVEMENT will meet in the Fellowship Hall. 

5:30 – 7:00 P.M.  DISCIPLESHIP ESSENTIALS BIBLE STUDY will meet in the Promiseland Area.  Nursery is available.




MONDAY – October 21

6:30 P.M.  DARTBALL:  Teams #1 and #2 will be in the Fellowship Hall.

WEDNESDAY – October 23

1:00 – 3:00 P.M.  GOD’S UNIQUE ANTIQUES will meet in the Fireside Room.  If you are retired and have some extra time on your hands, please join us.  We usually play a game and have refreshments!

4:45 P.M.  BACKPACKS for our Backpack Food Ministry will be stuffed in the Fireside Room.


  DINNER is served from 5:15 – 6:30.    Menu: chili, salad, veggies and dip, ice cream     

SATURDAY – October 26

6:00 – 7:30 A.M.  MEN’S LIFE will meet in the Fireside Room.  Each week, men meet to learn from God’s Word, have great fellowship and sharing, and spend time in prayer.  All men are welcome to join us.

NEXT LORD’S DAY – October 27

9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund the second offering will be for our Missions & Benevolences Fund.

9:30 A.M.  CHILDREN’S CHURCH for kids 3 years old thru 5th Grade.

10:45 – 11:30 A.M.  SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages. 

5:00 – 7:30 P.M.  MOVEMENT FALL PARTY will be at Tim & Sue Steinke’s house. 





THE SUNDAY NIGHT PRAYER GROUP/BIBLE STUDY will not meet for the next two weeks.  We will meet again on November 3.

NEXT SUNDAY, Kevin & Christy Nelms will present their son Talon John, for baptism during morning worship.

 ·         MOVEMENT FALL PARTYSunday, October 27; 5:00 – 7:30 P.M. @ Tim & Sue Steinke’s house (13700 N. 700 W. DeMotte).  Hayride, food, games!  Bring a friend!  Movement will not meet @ church that Sunday night.

·         MOVE LEADERSHIPNovember 3 – Sunday after service in Pastor Rob’s office at 10:45 A.M.  Open to high school students who have been through 2.0.

·         MOVEMENT PARENTSWe need you to make and bring soups for the Movement Dinner Fundraiser on Nov. 20.  If you’d like to donate soup, please contact Sue Steinke ASAP (219-921-9189). 

PACIFIC GARDEN MISSION FIELD TRIP:  We invite you to come along for a day trip to Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago.  Since 1950, this radio program has broadcast true stories of individuals who have been saved.  Be right there while the radio program “Unshackled” is produced and tour their 150,000 sq. ft. facility serving 750 men and 200 women and children.  The date is Saturday, November 16.  Carpooling is available.  We would leave church at 1:00 P.M. with the tour beginning at 3:00 P.M.  Dinner is in the dining hall at 5:30, testimonies and praise service follow from 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. and we would be home by 9:30 P.M.  Sign up by the kitchen and/or contact Roy (219) 730-0591.

A SIGN-UP SHEET in posted down by the kitchen for those who would like to help at our next Mobile Food Pantry set for Friday, November 8.   We need volunteers to help that day with various jobs such as working in the kitchen, helping with registration, and helping clients carry food to their cars.  Also, we need baked goods to serve.  All help is so appreciated!

COAT DRIVE:  Boxes will be in the Fireside Room and the front foyer, by door #8, through November 24 for your donations of coats, hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters, boots, gloves, mittens and winter headgear. Items collected will be distributed between various homeless shelters and soup kitchens in surrounding counties. If you have questions, please contact Bob & Phyllis Belstra (987-2563).


ARC 5K Run/Walk & Kids Fun Run

Saturday, November 30

   8:30 A.M. 5K Run or Walk

10:00 A.M.  Children’s Fun Run

 Register online @

(Search Reason for the Season)

 Proceeds benefit the

Backpack Food Ministry

for KVSC Students

KIDS WORSHIP LEADER NEEDED!  We are looking for a song leader for Children’s Church.  We hope to find someone passionate about worship and teaching our little ones how to worship.  This person would fill the final spot on our rotation and would be asked to lead once a month.  Singing time takes the first 20 minutes of Sunday mornings (9:30 – 9:50 A.M.)  This allows the worship leader to join adult worship before the message begins.  We are open to adults or teens (even working in pairs) taking this role. This role needs to be filled ASAP so please act quickly!  If interested, contact Stacy Hoffman (869-8114 or

ARC MEMBERS, Thank you very much for your thoughts and prayers for Michelle and the rest of us during this trying time.  The surgery went well, and she is at home recovering and getting back to the daily grind of life.  We have a long road ahead, with recovery and then more chemo treatments starting in December.  Your continued prayers and support are greatly appreciated as we overcome this bump in our road.  Thank you, Adam & Michelle Veld and the kids.”

TRAINING CONTINUES!  Please continue to pray for our runners as they train for the Indy Monumental Marathon and Half Marathon in November.  They are working with Team World Vision to help raise money for clean water for communities in need in underdeveloped countries.  If you’d like to donate, go online to Team World Vision and search American Reformed Church.  You can donate on behalf of a specific runner or the team.


Curtis DeKock              Connie Hoffman          Rebeka Merker        Kevin Nelms

Victoria DeKock           Stacy Hoffman             Kara Nanninga        Kathy Roorda

Brandon DeYoung       Keith Jolink                   Nathan Ooms           Britney Hoffman

Brian Hoffman              Katlyn Kohlhagen        Nicole Ooms             Kristy Kohlhagen

                                                                                                                    Tammy Szostek


MATTRESS SALEKankakee Valley Music Boosters will have a mattress fundraiser on Saturday, October 26 from 10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. at K.V. High School    All proceeds will benefit the band.  There will be 25+ styles of Beautyrest on display, full factory warranties, delivery available and all forms of payment accepted with financing available.  Text “Kankakee” to 474747 for more info.

DMC’S PAMPERED CHEF FUNDRAISER is here again!!  Order information will be sent home with your child tomorrow; orders are due October 31.  You may order through any student, either school office, or online at  You may share it by email, text, Facebook, etc. right from the site!  Orders may be picked up at school or can be direct shipped to anywhere in the US.  If you have any questions, please contact Shelly Broyles at 987-8089 or 614-309-7055.

BUTTER BRAIDS ARE BACKButter Braid Pastries and Dutch Desserts are back, and we earn 40% of the sales for DMCS!  There are 8 Butter Braid Pastry flavors, plus caramel rolls, cinnamon rolls and four cake roll flavors.  They are so delicious for the upcoming holidays!  Order from a student or pick up a form in either school's office.  Orders are due with payment by October 29; pick up is on Tuesday November 12 from 2:00-3:00 in the CCHS cafeteria.  Do you have questions? Please call or text Jill Heerema at 219-869-3188.


     USHER:         Mitch Kingma

     GREETERS:   Jim & Barb Ash, Marv & Ruth Peterson             

     WING:           Bryan & Sherri Overstreet

     NURSERY:     Heather Veld, Rachel Fase

                          Maddi Curless, Jillian Tysen


     USHER:         Jeff Fase

     GREETERS:   Ron & Teresa Evers Family         

     WING:           Larry & Barb Hoffman

     NURSERY:    Kristi Walstra, Amy Kohlhagen        

                          Kendra Kohlhagen, Kelsey Kohlhagen               

American Reformed Church

Senior Pastor:  Pastor Troy Nanninga;  

Pastor of Youth & Education:  Pastor Rob Latiak; 

Director of Worship:  Melissa Smoker;
