American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 10.4.20

Worship: October 4, 2020

Scripture: Psalm 1                                                                                                

Message:  “Rooted:  The Power of Healthy Roots”    Pastor Troy Nanninga


9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

NURSERY IS AVAILABLE: Volunteers – Angela Myers, Kendra Zylstra

OFFERING BASKETS are located at Sanctuary exits.  Our offering will be received for the General Fund.  Donations for DeMotte Christian Schools, Inc. are also welcome.

5:00 – 7:00 P.M.  MOVEMENT will be in the Fellowship Hall.


MONDAY – October 5

1:00 P.M.  FELLOWSHIP CIRCLE will meet in the Fireside Room.  Lesson – Donna Lageveen, Devotions – Mary Kucharik, Hostess – Donna Knip.

7:00 P.M.  CONSISTORY will meet.  Those who would like to request baptism or make profession of faith in Christ are invited to meet with the elders at 7:30 P.M.

SATURDAY – October 10
7:00 – 10:00 A.M.  ANNIVERSARY PANCAKE BREAKFAST: See the announcements section for details.

NEXT LORD’S DAY – October 11

9:30 A.M.  ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION WORSHIP: See the announcements section for the full schedule of events.

NURSERY IS AVAILABLE: Volunteers – Diane Ottinger, Sierra Evers

OFFERING BASKETS will be located at Sanctuary exits.               

Our offering will be received for the General Fund.  


Anniversary Weekend

Schedule of Events


 Saturday, October 10

 ·7:00 – 10:00 A.M.  PANCAKE BREAKFAST:  All are invited to attend.  This will be a great time to visit with some of ARC’s former Pastors and sons and daughters of ARC who have gone into full-time ministry!  No RSVP required.   (A Free will donation will be accepted for the Helping Hands Fund which is a local ministry through Burr Oak Church of Rensselaer that assists people in need with funds for utilities, rent, medical bills, food, gas, etc.) 

 Sunday, October 11

 ·9:30 A.M.  CELEBRATION WORSHIP:    We will receive communion during the service.

 ·10:30 A.M.  An all church photo will be taken on the front steps of the church immediately following worship. 

 ·11:00 A.M.  A 25-YEAR TIME CAPSULE will be filled in the Sanctuary.  All ages are welcome to bring something to put in!  We encourage you to label your item with your name and even a brief description.  Please don’t bring anything too large as we want to make sure we have room for everyone’s items.  We’ll also have a brief time of sharing from our former Pastors about what they’ve been up to in recent years.

 ·12:30 P.M.  CELEBRATION DINNER:  If you RSVP’d for the dinner, we look forward to seeing you for a special meal and time of fellowship!  Free will donations to help contribute to the cost of the meal will be welcome at the dinner.

The ARC Century Room is open!

Additional items have been added! 

The Consistory Room currently has several church artifacts and photos on display.  Items will remain available to view through the celebration Sunday.  Come on in and check it out after worship! The Consistory Room is located just outside the left exit in the wing.

 DONATIONS FOR THE PANCAKE BREAKFAST of breads, coffee cakes, cinnamon rolls, etc. are all welcome!  If you can help in this way, please bring donations by/on Friday, October 9.  Thank you! 

SUNDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY, led by Roy Gouwens, will return on October 18.  We will meet weekly from 5:30 – 7:00 P.M. at church.  Some upcoming topics are:  Filled with the Holy Spirit, Fruit of the Holy Spirit, Trust, Love, Justice, Witness, the Church, Ministry Gifts, Spiritual Warfare, Walking in Obedience, Sharing wealth, Money. 

A DRIVE-THRU CHICKEN FUNDRAISER is being hosted by       Boy Scout Troop 157 to help finish raising money for the new church pavilion.  It will be on Saturday, October 31 from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. in the ARC front parking lot.  Pre-purchase tickets from the church office for $8.00 each (good for one half chicken).  Potatoes will also be available and may be purchased at the fundraiser for $4.00. 

JOIN US IN OUR LAST WEEK OF 100 DAYS OF PRAYER!    We are beginning our final week leading up to our church’s 100-year anniversary.  We have been praying for specific topics since July and we invite you to join in on the last week of prayer!  Please follow the list of daily topics below:

This week:

7 Days: Sunday, Oct. 4      Give thanks for God’s Faithfulness

6 Days: Monday, Oct. 5     Pray for our Pastors and Consistory Members

5 Days: Tuesday, Oct. 6    Pray for the unity of our church

4 Days: Wednesday, Oct. 7  Give thanks for our salvation through Jesus

3 Days: Thursday, Oct. 8    Give thanks for everyone in our church family

2 Days: Friday, Oct. 9        Pray for safe travels for our visiting former Pastors

       1 Day: Saturday, Oct. 10      Ask for God’s Guidance of the future

                                                   generations of ARC

       Celebration Sunday           Give thanks for God’s Faithfulness and ask for

                                               His Blessing on the next 100 years for ARC!

JOIN US FOR BIBLE ADVENTURES, where kids walk in the light of the Lord (Isaiah 2:5).  Open to children 3 years of age through 5th grade.  This will begin October 18.  We will meet in the foyer in back of church during the song of preparation each Sunday and kids will go downstairs to experience a Bible adventure. (approximate time: 9:50-10:30) If you love VBS, you will love this!  There is a Bible buddy each week to highlight a Bible verse and a Bible point.  We look forward to seeing you!  If you have any questions, please call Amy Kohlhagen @ 219-869-8641.

TRAINING CONTINUES!  Please pray for our runners as they train for the Indy Monumental Marathon and Half Marathon in November.  They are working with Team World Vision to help raise money for clean water for communities in need in underdeveloped countries.  If you’d like to donate, go online to Team World Vision and search American Reformed Church.  You can donate on behalf of a specific runner or the team as a whole.


Christy Nelms          Kathy Roorda              Kevin Nelms

     Connie Hoffman      Katlyn Sipkema            Tammy Szostek

     Curtis DeKock         Keith Jolink                  Victoria DeKock


LOVE GOOD MUSIC and helping the local food pantries?  Cooper Luedtke is helping to organize a concert that will benefit the DeMotte and Wheatfield food pantries.  It will be this Saturday, October 10 from 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. at Spencer Park.  The concert is free to attend.  We invite you to bring non-perishable food donations and to enjoy great music.  Stick around for raffle prizes donated by local businesses.

 A MOBILE PANTRY (not sponsored by ARC) is set for this Tuesday, October 6 (10:00 A.M.) at Fountain Stone Theater in Rensselaer.  They will be short-handed and have reached out to see if we can help with a few volunteers.  It will be a drive-through pantry.  If you’d like to help, please contact Mike Bayci (956-9164 or

PIE-LESS FUNDRAISER DONATIONS ARE DUE TODAYDue to restrictions for health concerns, the Bible League International Volunteers will be holding a Pie-less Fundraiser.  Although we need to follow restrictions concerning the virus, we still need to raise funds for Bibles.  There are many people hungering for God’s Word in this world.  We have many loyal customers and this year we are requesting your continued support without the benefit of receiving pies.  $5 = one Bible!  The deadline to donate to this fundraiser is today.  Please note donations in the offering or turn them into the ARC church office. Checks should be made payable directly to Bible League.  We’ll be back with pies next year!  Thank you!

THE PANDEMIC has changed many lives and we have learned that it has affected Camp Manitoqua greatly.  Due to not being able to host camp this summer, they have lost much income.  They’ve had to make many financial adjustments including a spending freeze and letting many great employees go.  In addition to the regular quarterly donation we send, ARC will be making a donation in line with what we normally contribute for campers each summer.  However, we also encourage our congregation members to make donations if possible.  Donations can be made directly to the camp or noted and placed in the offering.  They hope to open and thrive again in 2021!