American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 8.30.20

Worship: August 30, 2020

Scripture:  Ezekiel 37:1-10                                                                                     

Message: “Liquid – Valley of Dry Bones”        Pastor Rob Latiak


9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

NURSERY IS AVAILABLE: Volunteers – Rachel Fase and Pam Abbring

OFFERING BASKETS are located at Sanctuary exits.  Our offering will be received for the General Fund.


NEXT LORD’S DAY – September 6

9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

NURSERY IS AVAILABLE: Volunteers – Sue Steinke and Jillian Tysen

OFFERING BASKETS will be located at Sanctuary exits.               

Our offering will be received for the General Fund. 


Sunday, September 13 at 11:00 A.M. At the ARC Pavilion

 Food · Bounce Houses Rock Climbing Wall · Scavenger Hunt

 We hope you will join us!

You Are Invited!

We encourage you to help us celebrate the  100th Anniversary of American Reformed Church!

Schedule of Events:

     (schedule is tentative – subject to change due to Covid-19)

Saturday, October 10, 2020

  • 7:00 – 10:00 A.M.  Pancake Breakfast (no RSVP required)

(A Free will donation will be accepted for the Helping Hands Fund which is a local ministry through Burr Oak Church of Rensselaer that assists people in need with funds for utilities, rent, medical bills, food, gas, etc. 

  • Visit with our former Pastors and sons and daughters of ARC who have gone into ministry.  We hope to have some in attendance.

 Sunday, October 11, 2020

  • 9:30 A.M.  Celebrating 100 years during Worship

  • All Church Photo following Worship

  • 11:00 A.M.  Filling Time Capsule

  • 12:30 P.M.  Dinner (RSVP Required)

(Free will donations to help cover the cost of the meal

are welcome)


Please RSVP by September 20

for the catered dinner on Sunday.

There are two ways to RSVP:  Fill out the RSVP card insert in this bulletin and drop it in an offering plate on your way out or contact  Stacy Hoffman (call) 987-5115 (text) 219-869-8114


CONSISTORY NOMINATION BALLOTS are in your mailboxes today.  Those ballots need to be returned by Sunday, September 27.  They can be placed in an envelope and handed to an elder as you leave worship or dropped off in the nomination box in the church office window. 

PASTOR TROY is on paternity leave this week and will return on Tuesday, September 8.  Stacy is also out of the office this week and will return on September 8.  Please contact Pastor Rob or an Elder with pastoral concerns.

Annual ARC Golf Outing

September 19 / 1:00 P.M. Shotgun Start

Sandy PInes Golf Club Green Fees:

$35.00 per player (non-member)

+ $5.00 for prizes per player
Sign up your 4 person teams by September 13.

All ages and abilities are welcome to play!
 Any questions?   Contact John or Kathy Roorda  /  219.508.5419

JOIN US AS WE CONTINUE OUR 100 DAYS OF PRAYER!   As we approach our church’s 100-year anniversary, we invite you to join us in 100 days of prayer leading up to the 100-year anniversary of ARC’s very first worship service.  We have placed a September prayer calendar in your mailbox with daily topics that we ask you to focus on.  We will distribute prayer calendars each month leading up to October 10.  Extra calendars are available at Sanctuary exits as well.  Topics will also be listed in the bulletin.  “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18

This week:

42 Days: Sunday, Aug. 30          Give thanks for God’s Encouragement

41 Days: Monday, Aug. 31         The young children of our church

40 Days: Tuesday, Sept. 1         Those dealing with illness in our church

39 Days: Wednesday, Sept. 2    Those living in areas affected by

                                                    hurricanes and wildfires

38 Days: Thursday, Sept. 3      Covid-19 (our world’s health)

37 Days: Friday, Sept. 4           Harvest season

36 Days: Saturday, Sept. 5       Our World Vision Team

SIG BOEZEMAN celebrated his 94th birthday last Monday, August 24!  Happy Birthday, Sig!

IF YOU KNOW of someone who needs help from Christians Helping Christians, please contact Bonnie Sanow (987-6252).

ARC’S NEXT MOBILE FOOD PANTRY will be on Friday, September  18.  This will be a drive-through pantry due to Covid.  Things will look and work different as a drive-through pantry.  We will not open the building to the recipients, nor will we need baked goods or kitchen help.  Food Finders has indicated they will have members of the National Guard assisting; therefore, we will only need 5-10 volunteers to help pack boxes while the Guard places them in vehicles.  Volunteers should arrive by 9:15 for the pantry to begin at 10:00 A.M.  If you would like to help, please sign up on the sheet in the kitchen window.

CAN YOU HELP MOVEMENT WITH SNACKS?  Movement is asking for snack donations for when they begin meeting again on September 13.  Specifically, they are asking for individually wrapped snacks due to Covid-19 precautions.  Individual sized chips, candy, Hostess or Little Debbie snacks, cases of pop/water/juice, etc. would be great!  This will help lessen the expense of providing snacks by families and Movement.  All donations can be dropped off at church anytime or speak with Pastor Rob if you have questions.    

TRAINING IS UNDERWAY!  Please pray for our runners as they train for the Indy Monumental Marathon and Half Marathon in November.  They are working with Team World Vision to help raise money for clean water for communities in need in underdeveloped countries.     If you’d like to donate, go online to Team World Vision and search American Reformed Church.  You can donate on behalf of a specific runner or the team as a whole.


Christy Nelms          Kathy Roorda              Kevin Nelms

Connie Hoffman      Katlyn Kohlhagen        Tammy Szostek

Curtis DeKock         Keith Jolink                  Victoria DeKock

ARC COVID PRECAUTIONS:  Governor Holcomb has mandated the wearing of masks in all indoor public spaces in the state of Indiana.  Therefore, we are currently asking everyone attending worship in person at ARC to wear a mask.  If you do not have a mask, we have disposable masks by the doors of the sanctuary that you should use while you are in the building at ARC.  We will continue to record all messages and will post them online on our website, Facebook page, and YouTube each Sunday morning at 9:30. 

WE CONTINUE TO OFFER homemade masks to you as well as anyone in need in the community.  We've placed baskets in the front entrance (door #8) for drop offs and pick-ups.  Masks are available to pick up Monday thru Friday from     9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. and Sunday mornings.