American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 6.13.21

Worship: June 13, 2021

   Scripture: Mark 10: 17-22

   Message: “Shortcuts” Pastor Rob Latiak



To grab a cup of coffee from the Fellowship Hall/Kitchen serving ledge downstairs before the service!  You are also invited to stay for a time of fellowship and coffee in the Fellowship Hall after the service!



9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS:  Marie Hilton, Logan Hanewich

9:50 – 10:30 A.M.  BIBLE ADVENTURES: Kids 3 years old - 5th grade will gather at the back of the Sanctuary to go down to Bible Adventures.


     Pre-K/K – Stacy Schultheis / Allison Schultheis                         

     1st – 5th – Kristy Kohlhagen

OFFERING BASKETS are located at Sanctuary exits.  Our offering will be received for the General Fund. 



TUESDAY – June 15

10:00 A.M.  PRAYER FOR REVITALIZATION will take place in the Consistory Room.  Pastor Troy will lead a time of prayer (about 30 minutes) for the revitalization process of ARC.  We encourage all to  come participate!


9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS:  Maddy Smoker, Jillian Tysen

9:50 – 10:30 A.M.  BIBLE ADVENTURES: Kids 3 years old - 5th grade will gather at the back of the Sanctuary to go down to Bible Adventures.


     Pre-K/K – Stacy Schultheis / Allison Schultheis                       

     1st – 5th – Kristy Kohlhagen

OFFERING BASKETS will be located at Sanctuary exits.               

 Our offering will be received for the General Fund. 



 CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. & Mrs. Justin & Brittany (Kent) Edwards who were married yesterday, June 12, in Wyoming.  May God bless them both as they seek to serve Christ together.

 WE WELCOME Pastor Rob to give our message this morning as  Pastor Troy is out of town to officiate Justin & Brittany’s wedding.  Welcome Pastor Rob!

 MOVEMENT HIGH SCHOOLERS…there will be a parent meeting for the ‘Ignite’ summer trip next Sunday, June 20, in the wing after service.

AS WE CONTINUE TO NAVIGATE THE COVID PANDEMIC,  we are seeing more cities and states fully reopen.  When we met as a consistory on Monday night, we discussed how we will adjust our procedures and protocols specifically for Sunday morning worship.  Beginning this morning, we have adjusted our seating spacing and restrictions.   Most of the sanctuary is open for full seating.  However, we have a designated area in the middle of the south main seating area that will continue to have every other row taped off to accommodate people who still wish to be spaced from others. Please only sit in this area if you would be uncomfortable potentially sitting close to others. – Pastor Troy


Let’s all go to the ballgame!   RailCats game night for ARC will be Saturday, July 24.  It will be a 4:10 P.M. game and tickets are $13 each.  Sign up for tickets in the kitchen window on your way to coffee!  The deadline to sign up is June 20.

WE ARE SO EXCITED to announce Camp Out Bible School at American Reformed Church on Saturday, July 10  from 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M!  We will be hosting a Family Cookout immediately following the Bible School. Parents, family members,     and children are welcome to stay for food and family activities. Sign-ups are linked on the church website and Facebook. Please be sure to pre-register children from the age of 3 to 5th grade. Volunteers also need to register online. Get ready for a day of camp fun and getting s’more of Jesus!  If you have any questions or concerns, contact Kristy Kohlhagen at 219-869-8687 or email


WORDS OF HOPE DEVOTIONALS for July, August, and   September are out on shelves at Sanctuary entrances today.        Please help yourself!

100th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION PHOTOS are available to order if you would like your own copy.  There are two sizes available on display downstairs on the bulletin board.  Check them out on your way to coffee.  Both sizes are $10.00 each.  If you’d like to order, please contact Stacy in the church office.  

A NEW ARC ADDRESS DIRECTORY  will be distributed this summer.   An info update form was placed in your mailbox last week.  Please fill out    your current information and return to Stacy Hoffman’s mailbox by Sunday, July 4.  Extra forms are available in the kitchen window.  Thanks! 

THE BULLETIN will be printed on Tuesday this week.  Stacy, our secretary will be out of the office Wednesday – Friday.  Please turn in any needed announcements by Tuesday at 10:00 A.M.

BIBLE ADVENTURES videos and take-home sheets are available on our website!  This gives kids an opportunity to watch the video again at home or see videos they missed!  There are printable coloring pages for Pre-K/K and printable Take Home Sheets for 1st – 5th grade.  Visit and go to the Children’s Ministry page.  There, you will find a link to the content (please note that the content page is password protected; the password is “adventures”.  New lessons are posted weekly! 

DID YOU KNOW that American Reformed has online giving available?  It’s a convenient way to set up a one-time donation or recurring donations.  Just go to and click on “Donate” at the bottom of the home page to get started. 

IF YOU KNOW of someone who needs help from Christians Helping Christians, please contact Bonnie Sanow (987-6252).

 WOULD YOU LIKE to receive ARC updates and cancellation info via text message?  Just text @demottearc to 81010 to sign up!


VOLLEYBALL ALUMNI GAME @ CCHSMark your calendars for our Volleyball Alumni game at CCHS on June 18th. Please check back for more info on DeMotte Christian School’s Facebook page. Contact Coach Tawnya Roodzant for more information:

30th ANNUAL DMCS FOUNDATION GOLF OUTINGJune 16 will mark the 30th Annual DMCS Foundation Golf Outing!  Registration will begin at noon with a shotgun start at 1:00 P.M. at the beautiful Sandy Pines Golf Course ending with an evening dinner and award ceremony.  The cost for dinner, tournament and awards is $100 per golfer.  Contact Tim McKenna (219-246-0337) or Eric Van Kley    (219-863-3474) to register!