American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 11.17.19

Worship November 17, 2019

Scripture: Matthew 25: 31-46                                                

Message:  “The Least of These”       Pastor Troy Nanninga

    World Vision – Amy Claire Patterson


Feel free to grab a cup of coffee from the Fellowship Hall/Kitchen serving ledge downstairs before the service!  You are also invited to stay for a time of fellowship and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after the service!




THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund.

9:30 A.M.  CHILDREN’S CHURCH for kids 3 years old through 5th Grade will be in the Promiseland Area.

10:45 – 11:30 A.M.  SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages.

(Parents:  please pick your child up in his/her classroom.)   

3 yr. old – 12th grade will meet in their respective classrooms.

A group that discusses current events will meet in the Cry Room.

Nursery is available upon request. 

4:15 P.M.  MOVEMENT WORSHIP TEAM PRACTICE:  Singers for the week are Skylar and Hope, and Keegan will be leading worship.  Cooper will be on guitar and Ryder on box drum.

5:00 – 7:00 P.M.  MOVEMENT will be in the Fellowship Hall. 

5:30 – 7:00 P.M.  DISCIPLESHIP ESSENTIALS BIBLE STUDY will meet in the Promiseland Area.  Nursery is available.

6:00 P.M.  PRAYER/BIBLE STUDY GROUP will meet in the Consistory Room.




MONDAY – November 18

6:30 P.M.  DARTBALL:  Team #1 will be in the Fellowship Hall.

6:45 P.M.  DARTBALL:  Team #2 will be at Sorrowful Mother.

7:00 P.M.  JOY CIRCLE will meet in the Youth Room where Edie Bakker will lead Lesson 7, Kathy Veld will lead devotions/spiritual life, and Ann Kikkert will serve refreshments. 

WEDNESDAY – November 20

5:15 – 6:30 P.M.  MOVEMENT SOUP SUPPER:     All are invited to enjoy dinner and fellowship and be served by our youth.  There will be many delicious soups to choose from.  Dinner is by free will donation and will help fund Movement’s “Believe” trip and “Forward” summer trip.

6:30 P.M.  THE ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be in the Sanctuary for the purpose of selecting new consistory members. 

   Elder candidates are:  Dave Jolink, Bob Klemp, Chuck Liebbe,   Tim Steinke (two will be elected by lots).

   Deacon candidates are:  Kevin Broertjes, Ron Evers, Brian Hoffman, Dave Kampenga, Josh Luedtke, and Kevin Nelms (three will be elected by lots).

7:15 P.M.  MOVEMENT WORSHIP TEAM PRACTICE:  Singers for the week are Kate L. and Keegan.  Cooper will be on guitar and Ryder on box drum.

SATURDAY – November 23

6:00 – 7:30 A.M.  MEN’S LIFE will meet in the Fireside Room.  Each week, men meet to learn from God’s Word, have great fellowship and sharing, and spend time in prayer.  All men are welcome to join us.

NEXT LORD’S DAY – November 24

9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund and the second offering will be for our Missions & Benevolences Fund.

9:30 A.M.  CHILDREN’S CHURCH for kids 3 years old thru 5th Grade.

10:45 – 11:30 A.M.  SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages.

4:15 P.M.  MOVEMENT WORSHIP TEAM PRACTICE:  Singers for the week are Kate L. and Keegan.  Cooper will be on guitar and Ryder on box drum.

5:00 – 7:00 P.M.  MOVEMENT will be in the Fellowship Hall. 


6:00 P.M.  COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING WORSHIP SERVICE:   Let us enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise!   Please join us for our Annual Community Thanksgiving Worship service, sponsored by the Kankakee Valley Ministerial Association (KVMA).  It will meet at the DeMotte United Methodist Church, (227 N. Halleck Street, DeMotte).   You’re invited to bring canned goods or other non-perishable food, which will be brought up to the front as an offering during the worship service, in support of the local food pantry.   We look forward to worshipping our good and generous God together with you!




  • Movement parents: We need you to make and bring soups for the Soup Supper. If you’d like to donate soup, please contact Sue Steinke ASAP (219-921-9189).

  • We are also asking Movement students to bring a dessert that will accompany the meal.

  • There will be no Movement on December 1. Please make plans to attend the Christmas Concert that night at 4:00 P.M.

THE LATEST ISSUE of the ARC Newsletter is in your mailbox today!  Extra copies are available on the table by the kitchen.

SPECIAL THANKSGIVING EVE MEAL AND SERVICE!  We invite you to join us on Wednesday, November 27 for a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings!  This will be a special time of fellowship and we encourage you to invite your friends, especially those that may not otherwise have a Thanksgiving meal.  Dinner will be served from 5:15 - 6:30 P.M.  Afterward, all are welcome to attend the special Thanksgiving Eve service we have planned for 7:00 P.M.  This will be a time of worship and expression of gratefulness to God for all He provides us.  We hope many will join us!  A sign-up sheet in located on the bulletin board across from the kitchen if you would like to help serve, clean up, bring food, etc. for the meal.  Many hands will be needed to make this dinner a success!

CHRISTMAS CHOIR: ALL AGES WELCOME!    We will be forming an all-age choir for the Christmas season. We will have our first practice on November 24th after Sunday school until 12:00 P.M.  We will be learning two songs and our performances will be December 22 and 29 during worship. If interested, please sign up on the sheet near the kitchen. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Melissa at

CHRISTMAS WILL BE HERE before you know it!  To help get you in the mood, the RCWM is having a night of Christmas music on December 1 at 4:00 P.M. here at church.  Please come and hear our talented church family sing and play your favorite Christmas songs!                      ALL ARE WELCOME!

HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO HELP at a Soup Kitchen or meet and talk with homeless people?  We have reserved Saturday, December 7 to help at the 1st Presbyterian Soup Kitchen in Michigan City.  We will help prepare a hot meal, serve it, talk with the less fortunate who come and distribute some of the coats etc. collected during the coat drive.  If you would like to carpool, we plan to leave church at 8:15.
FYI: There are fifteen steps to get down to the soup kitchen.  There is a sign-up sheet on your way to coffee if you would like to help.  The organizers request no more than 15 people over the age of 17.  If you have questions, please call Bob & Phyllis Belstra (987-2563).

COAT DRIVE:  Boxes are in the Fireside Room and the front foyer, by door #8, through November 24 for your donations of coats, hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters, boots, gloves, mittens and winter headgear. Items collected will be distributed between various homeless shelters and soup kitchens in surrounding counties. If you have questions, please contact Bob & Phyllis Belstra (987-2563).


ARC 5K Run/Walk & Children’s Fun Run

Saturday, November 30


  8:30 A.M.  5K Run or Walk

10:00 A.M.  Children’s Fun Run

 Register online @

(Search Reason for the Season)

 Proceeds benefit the

Backpack Food Ministry

for KVSC Students


WE ARE LOOKING for 2 leaders for Children’s Church lessons!  This would be for ages 3-1st grade.  Leaders are asked to teach once every 6 weeks.  If interested, please contact Stacy Hoffman (869-8114 or



SCRIPTURE CHRISTMAS CARDS AVAILABLEDeMotte Christian Grade School has a variety of boxed Scripture Christmas cards for purchase in the front hallway of DMC.

DMC WASHINGTON FUNDRAISER BREAKFASTEnjoy a hot breakfast of biscuits & gravy, scrambled eggs, pancakes and sausage served by some sweet faces on Saturday, November 23, from 6:30-10:00 A.M.!  Come hungry and support our 7th and 8th graders raising funds for their trip to Washington, DC.  A freewill donation will help with those expenses.  Your generosity is certainly appreciated!

DMCS “CARRYING ON THE PROMISE”DeMotte Christian Schools has begun our Carrying On the Promise annual fund drive to support the General Fund for DeMotte Christian Grade School and Covenant Christian High School.  We thank you all for your support every year!  If you write a check, please make it out to DMCS Inc. and send to DeMotte Christian Schools, PO Box 430, DeMotte, IN 46310. You can also drop it off at one of the schools. Online giving can be done by using the following link: If you are unable to give this year, please consider praying for our schools.  Thank you!

HAVE YOU WONDERED what Covenant Christian High School could offer your future high schooler? Come on out to Preview Night to find out all you need to know! Our faculty and staff will be there to answer your questions about everything from academics, to Service Week to extra-curricular activities and more! This event is open to ALL 6th-8th graders and their parents/guardians!  Join us Monday, November 18, at 7:00 P.M. at CCHS for a great night of information and getting to know other future families. Questions? Call the high school office at 219-987-7651.

CCHS BOYS BASKETBALL ‘DRIVE THRU” BOX SUPPERThe Covenant Christian Boys Basketball Team will have a “Drive-Thru” box supper fundraiser on Monday, December 2, from 5-7 P.M.  Drive up to the CCHS front door and a team player will deliver your to-go dinner right to your car!   Enjoy a ham and turkey sub, chips, fruit salad and a cookie, all boxed and ready to eat.   Let us make your supper quick and easy during this busy holiday season!  Come out and support your KNIGHTS Basketball team!!


      USHER:             Mike Curless

      GREETERS:     Kevan & Angela Myers Family                 

      WING:                Dave & Audrey Jolink

      NURSERY:       Jorie Wireman, Ellen Kenning

                                  Kennedy Latiak, Lindsay Zeldenrust


      USHER:             Phyllis Belstra

      GREETERS:     Phil & Gloria Moolenaar, Neil & Diana Myers                 

      WING:                Dennis & Pennie Martin

      NURSERY:       Heather Veld, Kara Nanninga                

                                        Alyson Lagestee, Kendra Zylstra

American Reformed Church

Senior Pastor:  Pastor Troy Nanninga;  

Pastor of Youth & Education:  Pastor Rob Latiak; 

Director of Worship:  Melissa Smoker;
