American Reformed Church

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Church Bulletin 12.29.19

Worship: December 29, 2019

Scripture: Ephesians 4:1        (N.T. Page 1821)        

Message: “Fresh Focus”   Pastor Rob Latiak


8:45 A.M.  CHRISTMAS CHOIR PRACTICE will be in the Sanctuary.


THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund.



THURSDAY – January 2

6:30 P.M.  FAITH CIRCLE CHRISTMAS PARTY:  Any new members are also welcome.  We will be starting the book How Happiness Happens by Max Lucado in our January meeting.  We usually meet the 4th Monday of the month at church.  Our Circle consists of women of various ages.  Please bring an appetizer to share and a   $10-15 gift for an exchange.  It will be held at the home of Gayle Zeldenrust (1862 W. 900 N., Wheatfield).  If you have any questions, call Gayle at 219-863-2283.

NEXT LORD’S DAY – January 5

9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

THE REGULAR OFFERING will be received for the General Fund.

9:30 A.M.  CHILDREN’S CHURCH for kids 3 years old thru 5th Grade.

10:45 – 11:30 A.M.  SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages.

5:00 – 7:00 P.M.  MOVEMENT will meet in the Fellowship Hall.

5:30 – 7:00 P.M.  DISCIPLESHIP ESSENTIALS BIBLE STUDY will meet in the Promiseland Area.  Nursery is available.

6:00 P.M.  PRAYER GROUP/BIBLE STUDY will be in the Consistory Room.



TODAY IS FAMILY SUNDAY!  On months that have a 5th Sunday, we invite all kids to join their families in worship on that 5th Sunday!  Nursery is still provided however, we do not hold Children’s Church or Sunday School on those days.  This gives kids a chance to worship alongside their parents and siblings and spend extra time with family.

OUR NEW CONSISTORY MEMBERS will be installed and ordained next week during worship.  Bob Klemp and Tim Stienke will be installed as Elders.  Dave Kampenga will be installed as Deacon and Ron Evers and Josh Luedtke will be ordained and installed as Deacons.

MOVEMENT will meet next on January 5.

THE SUNDAY NIGHT prayer group/study will meet next on January 5.

MEN’S LIFE will meet next on January 11.

OUR WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNERS are on a break for the holidays and will return on January 15.

DEMOTTE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL is in need of lice kits and lice spray to have on hand for families in need.  ARC would like to supply them with some.  If you’d like to donate some, please drop off in the church office anytime.  Thank you!

AT THIS TIME, we would like to recognize those graduating mid-term from college.  If you know of someone, please call the church office this week.

WE NEED COOKS!  We are looking for people to prepare Wednesday Night dinners for the month of February to fill in for Tammy while she is out of town.  If you’d like to take a week, please sign up on the sheet down by the kitchen.

WE ARE LOOKING for one leader for Children’s Church lessons!  This would be for ages 3-1st grade.  Leaders are asked to teach once every 6 weeks.  If interested, please contact Stacy Hoffman (869-8114 or

WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE for your continued prayers and constant support, for the cards, and monetary gifts.  For those who made the special handmade cards, we want you to know they were very appreciated.  Thank you, Pastor Troy for praying with us and keeping up with the changes that we are going through.  We are so grateful for the family of God and their encouragement through this time.” 

                                                    – Sam & Carol Sietsma

DID YOU KNOW that American Reformed has online giving available?  It’s a convenient way to set up a one-time donation or recurring donations.  Just go to and click on “Donate” at the bottom of the home page to get started.   

WOULD YOU LIKE to receive ARC updates and cancellation info via text message?  Just text @demottearc to 81010 to sign up! 


DEMOTTE CHRISTIAN GRADE SCHOOL PRE-SCHOOL/KINDERGARTEN SIGN UPSBeginning January 6, DeMotte Christian School will accept sign ups for the 2020-2021 Pre-School and Kindergarten classes.  Space is limited; all new families to the school will need to complete an application (available online at  Call 219-987-3721 to sign up!

For 3-Year-Old Pre-School (T/Tham),

your child must be 3 years old by August 1, 2020.

For 4-Year-Old Pre-School (M/W/Fam or M/W/Fpm),

your child must be 4 years old by August 1, 2020.

For Kindergarten (1/2 day or Full Day),

your child must be 5 years old by August 1, 2020.

AMERICAN REFORMED CHURCH is about to have a milestone birthday!  A big celebration is being planned for October of 2020.  ARC will be turning 100 years old!  We would like to invite you to share your memories and stories about your time here at ARC no matter if you have grown up here or have just recently started attending.  There is a table downstairs on your way to coffee with a box where you can place your memories and stories.  They can be serious, humorous, whatever you choose.  Please sign your name to your story in case we have any questions.  We plan to compile your stories into a book so your memories will be available for others to enjoy.  If you have any questions, please talk to an ARC 100-year celebration committee member (Roger & Donna Knip, Chuck & Lynn Liebbe, or Ralph & Ardy Myers).  Stories can also be emailed to


      USHER:             Brian Hoffman

      GREETERS:     Andy & Sharon Nannenga,

                                  Nettie Glessner, Jim Sampson                                               

      WING:                Taylor DeYoung

      NURSERY:       Lola Arnett, Rachel Fase

                                  Kurt Kros, Katelyn Kros



      USHER:             Mike Curless

      GREETERS:     Jason & Pam Abbring Family

      WING:                Bonnie Sanow