2019 Global 6K for World Vision
The Team World Vision Global 6k for Water was held on Saturday, May 4. Fifty thousand people from all over the world participated – and raised over 2 million dollars to bring life changing clean water to communities in need. Why 6k? 6 kilometers is the average distance people in the developing world walk for water - water that is often contaminated with life-threatening diseases.
Locally, ARC sponsored this event on a 6k (3.73 miles) course at Covenant Christian High School.
ARC had over 100 participants – our oldest was Al Grube, who at 81 years of age, walked with his daughter, Julie. Our youngest were Max and Will Nanninga, who participated with their parents and grandparents!
Our ARC team raised $5,235! We ranked 73 out of 615 global teams! Some ran, some walked, and a few were pushed in a baby stroller! All helped raise money to save lives! Thank you to everyone who walked, ran, or supported the 6K!
Last November, our ARC team raised $40,599 for Team World Vision! We were ranked 8th in the state of Indiana for fundraising. Our own American Reformed Church of DeMotte, Indiana helped change (and save) lives for 808 people in need of clean water! We had 39 runners in 2018, 30 ran or walked the Half Marathon (13.1 miles); and 9 people ran the Full Marathon (26.2 miles)!
Consider participating by running (or walking) a Half or running a Full Marathon - or supporting Team World Vision by contributing to an individual runner or the team. We will participate in the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon on November 9. Official training began on July 6, but runners can jump into training at any time! We have optional group runs at 6:00 A.M. in DeMotte on Saturday mornings. We will be training with Grace Fellowship Church again this year. ARC currently has 12 members registered to run or walk, so we would love to have you help build our team. We would appreciate it if you would again consider donating to those in need of clean water, dire for their survival. We covet your prayers for endurance and safety through our upcoming training. Lastly, we ask for prayer for the people in need of our efforts. The images and the thought of children and people suffering for lack of clean water, and those joyful images of those who have received the gift of clean water from World Vision, are always in our hearts.
More information can be found at teamworldvision.org (search American Reformed Church). You can also talk to Team Captain Kevin Nelms or any team member to learn more about Team World Vision or if you have any questions about joining our ARC team!
Pictured Above: Kevin Nelms and Brandon DeYoung carrying the Jerry cans to demonstrate how far the average person in a developing country has to carry water. Water that is often dirty and disease ridden.