Church Bulletin 9.19.21


Worship: September 19, 2021

   Scripture: Proverbs 10:9

   Message: “Matters of the Heart:  Integrity” Pastor Troy Nanninga


9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS:  Deb Klemp / Sierra Evers

9:50 – 10:30 A.M.  BIBLE ADVENTURES: Kids 3 years old - 5th grade

    will gather at the back of the Sanctuary to go down to Bible Adventures.


     Pre-K/K – Stacy Schultheis / Allison Clark                    

     1st – 5th – Angela Myers / Allie Myers

OFFERING BOXES are located at Sanctuary exits.  Our offering will be received for the General Fund.

10:45 – 11:45 A.M.  TOWN HALL MEETING:  Please see info for this meeting in the announcements section.

5:00 – 7:00 P.M.  MOVEMENT will meet in the Fellowship Hall.  We’re excited to start back up!  All students 6th – 12th grade are welcome to come!


 TUESDAY – September 21

10:00 A.M.  PRAYER FOR REVITALIZATION will take place in the Consistory Room.  Pastor Troy will lead a time of prayer (about 30 minutes) for the revitalization process of ARC.  We encourage all to come participate!

6:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.  FAITHFIT YOGA will be in the Fellowship Hall.  We’re starting back up!  It will be a beginner-based class as we all get back into our practice together! Bring your old passes if you still have them! I can’t wait to see you all there!

WEDNESDAY – September 22

6:00 – 7:00 P.M.  TOWN HALL MEETING:  Please see info for this meeting in the announcements section.

FRIDAY – September 24

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY:  We will need about 10 volunteers to help pack boxes outside for the drive-thru pantry.  Volunteers are asked to arrive by 9:15 A.M. Clients should arrive no earlier than 9:30 A.M.  If you would like to help, please sign up on the sheet in the kitchen window.

NEXT SUNDAY – September 26

9:30 A.M.  WORSHIP

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS:  Donna Ooms / Brayden Hanewich

9:50 – 10:30 A.M.  BIBLE ADVENTURES: Kids 3 years old - 5th grade will gather at the back of the Sanctuary to go down to Bible Adventures.


     Pre-K/K – Stacy Schultheis / Allison Clark                   

   1st – 5th – Angela Myers / Mitchell Myers

OFFERING BOXES are located at Sanctuary exits.               

Our offering will be received for the General Fund.  Donations for our Mission & Benevolences Fund will also be welcome.

5:00 – 7:00 P.M.  MOVEMENT will meet in the Fellowship Hall. 



 WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE a new educational opportunity beginning for our 4th/5th grade kids! We will be starting a new class during Promiseland time with different material designed specifically for this age group. The first class will begin Sunday October 3. For more information feel free to contact Angela Myers.

WE ARE ONCE AGAIN OFFERING Kids Hope at DeMotte Elementary school this school year.  If you have already been trained as a mentor, please let Heather Veld or Pastor Troy know if you are interested in mentoring this year.  

WE ALSO HAVE A LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY for someone to    co-lead Kids Hope with Heather.  We are looking for someone who can handle the administrative and communications for our Kids Hope ministry.  This will include creating schedules, emailing teachers and mentors, and coordinating trainings.  If you are interested, please talk to Heather Veld or Pastor Troy.

WE WANT TO INVITE YOU to a special town hall meeting to hear a report on the work of the Transition Team and a picture of the future we believe God is calling us to.

 There will be two identical meetings.  

 The first will be TODAY from 10:45 - 11:45 A.M. 

We will meet in the Fellowship Hall and serve donuts and coffee.  Childcare will be provided in the nursery to make it easier for people   to attend. 

 The second will be this Wednesday, Sept. 22 from 6:00 - 7:00 P.M.  

It will once again meet in the Fellowship Hall.  We will offer pizza and drinks and childcare will once again be provided in the nursery.

 We do ask that you RSVP with the church office if you are coming to the September 22 meeting, so we know how much pizza to order.  Please RSVP by tomorrow (Sept. 20).

 We hope you will attend one of these meetings to hear all the exciting things the Transition Team has been working on and the ways we see God leading into the future He has in store for us!

JOY CIRCLE MEMBERS, after a long hiatus, we will plan to meet       Sept. 27 to discuss what we want to do regarding our Bible Study group. It will be wonderful to see everyone there. 

WORDS OF HOPE devotionals for October, November, and December are available on church shelves today.

TRAINING CONTINUESWe are working hard to bring clean water to communities in need in underdeveloped countries through Team World Vision.  We will participate in the Indy Monumental Marathon on November 6 and appreciate all donations for clean water.  You can donate on behalf of a specific runner or give a gift to the ARC Team as a whole by designating gifts in the offering or going to and searching American Reformed Church.  You can also support us by keeping us in your prayers as we train and praying for all who are in desperate need of clean water.


Mindy Abbring                  Brian Hoffman                   Kevin Nelms

Tom Abbring                    Stacy Hoffman                  Katlyn Sipkema

Curtis DeKock                 Christy Nelms                    Bree Tauber

Victoria DeKock

DUTCH APPLE PIE ORDERS ARE DUE TODAY!  Extra order forms are available in the kitchen window if you need one.  Please turn orders into Stacy Hoffman’s mailbox.

NEW OFFERING DROP BOXES have been installed on the walls at the back of the Sanctuary and Wing.  Offering can now be placed there.  Thank you!

DID YOU KNOW that American Reformed has online giving available?  It’s a convenient way to set up a one-time donation or recurring donations.  Just go to and click on “Donate” at the bottom of the home page to get started. 

WOULD YOU LIKE to receive ARC updates and cancellation info via text message?  Just text @demottearc to 81010 to sign up!

IF YOU KNOW of someone who needs help from Christians Helping Christians, please contact Bonnie Sanow (987-6252).



58TH ANNUAL HARVEST SALE:  The 58th Annual Harvest Sale will be on Saturday, October 2nd! The Farmer’s Market and Food Service will begin at 5:00 P.M.  The live and silent auctions will begin at 6:00 P.M. Farmer’s Market pre-order forms are available on the home page under “Quick Links” or at the link below.  Questions?  Please call DMC at 219-987-3721.

PINT-SIZE HERO RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVEDMC is sponsoring an October blood drive on October 28 at the Keener Township Fire Department from 1:00 – 6:00 P.M.  More details to follow!

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